Today correspondence has been sent to County Councillor Tom Thacker regarding the state of the B3400 east of Whitchurch.
This road is not fit-for-purpose for cycling or walking.
To: Tom Thacker
As you know it has been raised several times that to travel between Whitchurch and Overton by cycle or by foot is extremely dangerous and the route needs improvement. There are people who want to make that journey but don't because of the lack of safe infrastructure.
The Wells-in-the-Field section has no paved footpath and Rotten Hill is a well-known local blackspot.
I believe the B3400 is amongst the top three most 'dangerous' roads in Hampshire - a statement repeated at the recent Basingstoke Cabinet Meeting that dealt with the proposed housing increases for Whitchurch and Overton.
The present growth in those settlements, together with the forthcoming opening of the gin distillery with its anticipated 100,000 visitors a year and associated lorry movements, will make this road even less fit-for-purpose as regards cycling and walking.
You are aware of lobbying before from local people who presented a petition, and I now urge you and Hampshire County Council to act before a cyclist (or pedestrian) is killed on that stretch of road.
Will you support a safe segregated cycle and pedestrian route from Whitchurch to Overton including the Wells-in-the-Field stretch?
If that were implemented not only would it provide both a safer route for both local employment and tourism needs but could also enable a safer route right through to Basingstoke, possibly as part of a Sustrans scheme.
I look forward to your reply.