29 November 2012

Tufton A34 junction - dangers in the spotlight

Cyclists regularly use the Nun's Walk junction at Tufton.
A local Whitchurch resident Mike Stead has commenced a campaign to have the junction of the A34 slip road and Nun's Walk at Tufton improved, and in particular has called for speed reductions and layout changes. This junction is particularly unsafe for anyone turning into Nun's Walk from Winchester Road, a popular route into the nearby countryside for both drivers and cyclists. The new Jubilee Cycle Route also passes through here.
Jubilee Cycle Route

In an internet Blog named 'Tufton or Death', created by Mr Stead, he sets out the correspondence already undertaken with Councillors and highways engineers, both at the County Council and with the Highways Agency.
In addition he has called a public meeting, open to all, on 19th December at the Gill Nethercott Centre, to which he has invited representatives and officers from various public bodies - so it could be a lively meeting!
Anyone interested in seeing much needed improvements are urged to attend and to support Mike's excellent campaign.

Many drivers ignore the hatching to cut the corner.
Would the cyclist in the first picture above have survived?
Traffic leaving the A34 puts anyone turning into Nun's Walk at serious risk. There are reports of drivers ignoring the two way signage that could result in a fatal collision. Many drivers ignore and cross the hatching to cut the corner on the slip road leading to a potential head on crash.

 As with so many road safety issues in Hampshire it once again seems as if it is the victims who will suffer before any meaningful attempts are taken to reduce dangers.
In fact Mr Stead and his supporters state they have a:
"firmly held belief that someone - a spouse, child, partner - has to die at this clearly dangerous intersection before the Highways Authority will commit funds to any sort of review."

DfT proposals would allow lorries like this to travel faster.
Separately, the DfT are proposing that heavier vehicles (over 7.5 tonnes) will be able to use this road, and other single carriageway roads, at up to 25% higher speeds than at present. Unbelievable!
Higher Lorry Speeds around Whitchurch!
County Councillor for Whitchurch, Tom Thacker, has yet to confirm whether he will be personally objecting to higher speeds.

As already highlighted here, cycling KSIs (Killed and Seriously Injured) have been rising unacceptably in Hampshire. While it is pleasing to see all-mode overall figures reducing, these rises for cycling indicate that HCC's strategy on cycle safety is failing. Handing out hi-viz and selling bells and plastic head coverings do not address the prime causes - bad driving and bad highway design.

Several ideas have already been suggested from more hatching on the slip road and physical barriers, to creating a 'T' junction or roundabout at the end of Nun's Walk. There are no doubt many others too.

There may also be suggestions for a shared path/cycle route from Tufton to Whitchurch. Unfortunately shared paths are often poor substitutes to proper segregated facilities and are rarely successful; often increasing conflict situations and dangers. Given the importance of safety for all it is hoped that any 'improvements' for cycle routes do not simply result in a few blue signs on a gravel path. A well designed junction should also incorporate properly designed cycling facilities, otherwise it would remain, as it is now, unfit for purpose.

Please support Mike's campaign to get this junction changed before anyone is killed.

1 comment:

  1. Mike's campaign has my support - especially if a bit of paint, and a slight rejig to make a 'T' junction can make the road safe for all of the people who use it.

    I posted my proposal for the T-junction over on Mike's Tuftonordeath Facebook group at lunch today, it has since been copied to his Wordpress site... http://tuftonordeath.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/time-for-t.html
